In already polished or very good grounds you can use Bonastre Duo directly, but in some cases you need to insist a little more to get a decent glow, so it is always faster to prepare the surface with the Pad 1 Red disc. with rotary Add water and remove it when it is dirty until it reaches the desired shine. with scrubber, Based on going past the brightness will rise, if in 20-30 passes we do not see an important difference.
Option 1: Spend the disc 1 Red by micro polishing the ground and removing some stripes to achieve a sharper intensity with the Bonastre Duo.
Option 2: If you want a mirror brightness, prepare the surface with Bonastre Pro and then rub with
Bonastre Pro obtaining a spectacular glittering mirror.
In plastic or concrete floors You can use Bonastre Duo dry with high speed machines to achieve a strong mechanical shine
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